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Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2072
1:72 Lockheed X-7 / Aerojet X-8 / Bell X-9 / Lockheed X-17 X-planes missiles set. Lockheed X-7: In 1946, U.S. Air Force called studies for the development of high speed ramjet powered missiles. Lockheed was selected to develop an unmanned testbed which designated X-7. The first flight took place on 1951. The X-7 program was successful. It generated many ramjet datas for the Boeing Bomarc missile defense system and D-21 drone. Aeroj... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £48.33 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2071
1:72 Douglas/Boeing C-17 Globemaster III Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £156.66 Out of Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2070
1:72 Arado Ar E.340 B-Bomber. In 1939, the office of the RLM launched the Bomber-B program for a new type of medium bomber capable of carrying a 4,000kg bomb load to any point in the British Isles. Power would be supplied by the Junkers Jumo 9-222 or the Daimler-Benz DB-9-604, both were under development. The contract was issued to the firms of Arado, Dornier, Junkers and Focke-Wulf. The first manufacturer to respond was Arado. The... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £56.66 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2067
1:72 Douglas C-124A/C Globemaster. After the end of the second World War, the USAAF found the C-74 Globemaster was a very capable and useful aircraft, and began to consider acquiring an improved version proposed by Douglas. It used the same wing, tail and engines from the C-74, but featured a new and enlarged fuselage, as well as clamshell doors in the nose. The result was the Douglas C-124 Globemaster II. The YDouglas C-124 protot... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £123.33 Out of Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2066
1:72 I.A.I. Lavi. In the end of 1970s, the Israel Defense Force perceived that the IAI Kfir was no solution for future growth. So it announced the requirement for a new combat aircraft which powered by a much more powerful engine and compactable to carry more armament. In February 1980, IAI launched the Lavi program. The development phase was to involve five prototypes, the B-01/-02 was two-seats trainer, and B-03/-04/-05 were sing... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £39.99 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2064
1:72 Curtiss XP-60C / XP-60E In 1940, Curtiss proposed a initial design for the eventual replacement for the Curtiss P-40 to the USAAF. It was inverted the continental engine to the Curtiss P-40 fuselage and tail assembly. This proposal was accepted and a contract for two prototypes, XP-53 was issued. At the end of 1940, USAAF modified order to install the XP-53 with British Merlin engine. The prototype was redesignated XP-60. Due ... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £39.99 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2062
1:72 Platt Le Page XR-1 first U.S.Army helicopter. Aircraft History and Specification. In 1937, two engineers, Laurence LePage and Haviland Platt, traveled to Germany to view the Focke FA-61 tandem-rotor helicopter. There they obtained an option to build the Focke helicopter in U.S., but deteriorating conditions between two governments prevented the deal from going through. After returning to the U.S., they formed Platt LePage Airc... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £31.66 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2059
1:72 Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech. In 1950, Wright Air Development Center of the U.S.A.F. had worked with Curtiss and Hamilton to study the concept of new propeller which could approach supersonic speed to a piston-engine fighter. The engineers of the WADC needed a suitable airframe to test the concept, they selected most powerful Allison turboprop engine at the time, and chose to modify the F-84F for this new role. The concept a... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £48.33 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2057
1:72 Republic XF-12 Rainbow. In 1943, USAAF confronted with the problem of photographic information which collecting from the Pacific theatre while U.S. did not had close airfield in Pacific to be able to use photo-reconnaissance aircraft. So USAAF issued a request for a new long-range / high altitude reconnaissance airplane. In March 1944, Republic proposed to modify its civil model, RC-2 to install with the photographic equipment... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £81.66 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2056
1:72 McDonnell XP-67 Moonbat. In 1939, USAAF issued a specification 'R-40' for a long-range twin-engine fighter. McDonnell submitted company's first design but was rejected. McDonnell modified the design and resubmitted to USAAF in 1941. This time it was accepted and received order for two prototypes, designated XP-67. The XP-67 was created an unusual looking that the fuselage and the engine nacelles were merged together in order t... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £39.99 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2053
1:72 Douglas D-558-3 Skyflash. In early 1950's, a several high-speed flight researches were being proceeded by different agencies, the NACA's hypersonic research, the Air Force's Project 1226 and the Navy's D-558 program. In 1954, Langley team of NACA gathered those similar researches from military services and aerospace industries, combined with the Air Force and Navy to launch the new 'Project 1226' competition. As Navy liked to ... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £31.66 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2050
1:72 Vought XF7U-1 Cutlass. In June 1945, U.S. Navy launched competition for a fighter able to fly at 600 mph high speed. Vought submitted the Model V-346 design which was based from German Arado's tailless fighter documents. Vought's engineers believed that deleting the tailplane would solve aerodynamic problem to increase maximum speed. In June 1946, Navy chose Vought's design as the winner and ordered three prototypes, designate... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £39.99 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2049
1:72 Convair XP-81 In 1943, USAAF issued a specification for a long-range jet powered fighter which could be flight across the Pacific to escort bombers to Japan. Consolidated Vultee Aircraft (Convair) responded with the new design which was powered by a combination of the turboprop and jet engine units, while Navy was also working on the same theory with the Curtiss XF15C-1 and the Ryan FR-1. The configuration was a nose mounted t... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £39.99 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2044
1:72 Beech XA-38 Grizzly. In 1942, USAAF requested for a new heavy armored ground attack airplane as a replacement of the Douglas A-20 Havoc. Beech Aircraft Corp had already started work on the design of the Model 28 "Destroyer' which specification met to the requirement. So a contract was awarded to Beech for two prototypes that designated XA-38 and re-named 'Grizzly' with competition in Hughes XA-37 (later changed to XF-11). For ... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £48.33 Out of Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2043
1:72 Bell XHSL-1 ASW Helicopter. In 1950, the U.S. Navy launched a competition for a new helicopter to be designed specifically for the Anti-Submarine Warfare role as the existing helicopter inventory could not accomplished the ASW mission. Bell proposed its first and only tandem-rotors design, the Model 61, and won the competition. A contract was signed for three prototypes which were designated XHSL-1. First flight was made in 19... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £31.66 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2042
1:72 Blohm-und-Voss FG.227 flying boat/seaplane. In 1941, after success of the giant BV.222, Blohm-und-Voss was commissioned to design a larger and more capable flying boat, the BV.238. As it was the largest flying boat ever constructed at that time, Blohm-und-Voss engineers could not determined its aerodynamic and hydrodynamic abilities. In order to avoid the risks taken with a full sized BV.238 prototype, it was decided to constr... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £31.66 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2041
1:72 Hughes XF-11. In 1939, Hughes Aircraft used a special wooden structure which strength comparable to steel for a proposal of bomber design, the model D-2. The project interested USAAF because metal material was becoming a scare by the war. In 1942, the D-2 was ordered under an attack aircraft designation XA-37. Later it was considered as a night fighter XP-73. In 1943, the wooden D-2 prototype was lost by fire accident in Hughe... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £56.66 Out of Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2039
1:72 North-American YF-93A. In 1946, USAF recognized all the early jet fighters were lacked sufficient range to escort bombers to the target. So the proposal for a penetration fighter were requested. In 1947, North-American responded with the proposal for a revised version of North-American F-86A, which the fuselage size was enlarged for bigger internal fuel tanks to increase its range. The extra fuel increased weight so the more p... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £39.99 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2034
1:72 Lockheed XF-90 In 1945, once the war was over, many German swept-wing projects were handed over to American aviation industries. Some studies were reached the same design team which designed Lockheed P-80 in Lockheed (the team later called Skunk Works). In 1946, the USAAF issued requirement for the new generation penetrating fighter which could escort long-range bomber and has ground attack capability. Lockheed submitted their... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £48.33 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2029
1:72 Vought XF8U-3 Crusader III. In 1955, with the success of the F8U-1 and -2, Vought started to conceive a more powerful fighter design, the XF8U-3. Although it was similar to the F8Us and carried F8 designation, the aircraft was entirely a new design that installed larger fuselage to accommodate the new powerful J75 engine. The U.S. Navy was interested in the design and signed contract to Vought for five prototypes in competitio... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £48.33 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2028
1:72 Ling-Temco-Vought XC-142 Largest tilting-wing VTOL transport prototype. In 1950's, many V/STOL aircraft were built and evaluated by the US Military services. Few of the concepts were deemed to have the operational capabilities. Base on these prototypes experiences, the new V/STOL assault transport program was announced. In 1961, a request for proposal of the large cargo airplane was released by Tri-services. Ling-Temco-Vought ... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £56.66 Out of Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2026
1:72 Rockwell International XFV-12A U.S. Navy VTOL fighter. In 1972, U.S. Navy issued a request for the proposals of the next generation V/STOL close-support fighter on alternate the McDonnell-Douglas AV-8A. It was requested with supersonic speed capability, and enables to operate from small ships. Rockwell International responded with the 'thrust-augmented wing' design. This concept led to Navy's interest and was fully funded for ... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £39.99 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2025
1:72 Arado Ar-E.581-4. In 1943, Arado began work on series of the Ar E.555 flying wing bomber project. This flying wing configuration was thought to be the best design to fulfill a requirement of high speed, heavy loading and long-range aviation. Due to the design acceptance by the Reichsluftfahrt Ministerium (State Ministry for Aviation) in early 1944, the Arado design team scaled down the same configuration to design a smaller si... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £20.82 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2023
1:72 Northrop YF-17 Cobra. In 1965, Northrop began a fighter project, P-530 with a new concept, a pair of Leading Edge Root Extension (LERX) for the main wings that tapered into the fuselage for exceeding attack angles. The shape of LERX looks like a cobra head so it was named Cobra. In 1972, USAF launched the Lightweight Fighter program that called for a small, lightweight, low cost, air superiority day fighter designed for a high... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £48.33 - In Stock
Anigrand Craftswork ANIG2022
1:72 Sikorsky S-67 In 1964, U.S. Army lunched the AAFSS specification, that calling for an aircraft with a high-speed cruising and long-time hovering capability. Sikorsky submitted the S-66 pusher tail rotor project that competitor with Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne. The AH-56 won the contest but failed to meet the expectations. For intended to replace the AH-56, Sikorsky self-venture developed a simplified AAFSS that used a number of ex... Aircraft kits (resin) Catalogue £48.33 - In Stock