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Tigerhead Decals THD72009
1:72 Turkish Air Forces Lockheed TF-104G Tigermeeters. Turkey is one of the very first countries to receive the F-104Gs within the MAP program. As a preparation for the new aircraft the 144th Squadron was organised at the 4th AB in M'rted-Ankara. The first 15 aircraft arrived on May 10th,1963 by sea and they were deployed at the newly founded squadron in July. In July 1963 two TF-104gs arrived and they were also assigned to the sam... Aircraft decals (military) Limited Availability £11.17 - In Stock
Tigerhead Decals THD72011
1:72 Mikoyan MiG-21F-13 All Around the World. Chech A.F. Romanian A.F. Syrian A.F. and Russian A.F. Aircraft decals (military) Limited Availability £11.17 - In Stock