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No Scale Army in Focus 1. 72 pages and it has 70 photos, 26 of them original color-photos. THE FIRST IN A NEW SERIES!!! Heer im Focus No 1 72 pages, 70 photos - thereof 26 in colourFarbe, 5 colourprofiles, 5 coloured emblemes, 1 coloured document, 9 coloured maps Photos with a Story: The 18. Panzer-Division in the Eastern Campaign" Part 1 22 June 1941-The Attack across the River Bug Were Submersible Tanks Actually Used? Cam... Military vehicle books Catalogue £28.80 - In Stock
Squadron Signal SQS2041
No Scale M51 Sheridan Color (In Action Series) Military vehicle books Catalogue £11.99 - In Stock
Squadron Signal SQS39009
No Scale Vietnam Gun Trucks Detail in Action Military vehicle books Catalogue £27.99
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